Care Groups
Connect & experience real life with friends in your neighborhood. We have groups meeting all through the week called Care Groups.
in-person in Elkins Park
via Zoom
in-person at Northeast Community Church
(with childcare or Youth & Children’s programs)
Care Group FAQs
How do I join a care group?
Just pick the day and time that works for you, and take into consideration if you’d like to meet in-person or via Zoom. Once you’ve made a choice, go ahead and click “Email for more info” to get the details. All are welcome!
I need help finding a care group?
You can send an email to info@nccphilly.org to get more information about any group.
Do you have care groups in other languages?
Yes! Click here for information on groups meeting in Chinese (Mandarin or Cantonese): Care Groups in Chinese, or here for groups meeting in Albanian: Care Groups in Albanian.